Director, PPD
The Police Pension Office (PPO) was initially established by degree 75 of 1993 as an Extra Ministerial Department under the Ministry of Police Affairs and existed as such up until November, 2013 when it became a department under the Pension Transitional Arrangement Directorate (PTAD).
The Police Pension Department is responsible for the payment of Gratuity and Pension of Police pensioners under the Defined Benefit Scheme (DBS).
Who is an eligible Parastatals pensioner under PTAD?
An officer who was officially recruited into the Nigerian Police Force is eligible for pension under the Defined Benefit Scheme administered by PTAD if he/she fulfills the following conditions:
- Must have served in the Nigerian Police Force for a minimum of 10 years before 31st March, 1977 and attained 45 years of age.
- Must have served 15 years from 1st April, 1977 to 31st May, 1992 and attained 45 years of age
- Must have served 10 years from 1st June 1992 to 30th June 2007 and attained 45 years of age
- An officer who retired statutorily after serving for 35 years or on attainment of 60 years of age on or before 30th June, 2007.
- An officer who was compulsorily retired by the Federal Government for reason of reorganization or public interest on or before 30th June, 2007.
- NOK section 6 (widow or children under 18years) whose husband/father died in active service (in- line of duty).
I. Regular Police Pensioners (including merger cases)
II. Due Pensioners
III. War Affected Retired Police Officers
IV. Next of Kin (Section 5 & Section 6)
Eligible War Affected Pensioners/NOK must have evidence of serving in the Nigeria Police Force before the commencement of Civil War in July, 1967. The Pensioner must possess the following:
- Pension Advice (Only for those pay rolled after amnesty).
- Photocopy of the cheque paid as arrears of gratuity in 2006/2007.
- Photocopy of PENCOM voucher issued during amnesty verification.
- Dismissal letter written by Inspector General of Police.
- Bank statement showing where payment of 2006/2007 was made.
- Certificate from United Nations Organization/ peace keeping from Congo.
Section 5 (Police)
These are the Next-of-Kin of deceased pensioners who died of natural causes while in service. The Next-of-Kin (NOK) is chosen by the deceased Police officer to inherit his entitlement peradventure he dies a natural death:
- SPOs (Senior Police Officer): -The deceased Senior Police Office is required to provide two (2) Next of Kin while;
- Rank and files will need to provide only one (1) NOK.
Entitlements under Section 5
- Police Officers who died naturally while in the service are entitled to Gratuity & five (5) years accrued pension.
- Police Officers who retired and died while processing their retirement benefits are entitled to Gratuity & five (5) years accrued pension.
- Police Officers who retire and have received gratuity but died before enrolment for monthly pension are entitled to five (5) years accrued pension.
- Officers who are already on monthly pension payroll but have not received up to five (5) years Pension before their death are entitled to the balance of pension for the remaining months or years as applicable.
These are the NoKs of deceased pensioners who die in the line of duty/in the field by accident or of unnatural causes while on official duty.
Entitlements under Section 6
- The deceased police officer’s entitlements are to be paid to his Next-of-kin (child/children and the wife).
- Apart from the gratuity, the widow and the children (maximum of six) are entitled to monthly pensions.
- 1/9 of his accrued pensions until each of the children attain 18 years of age or death.
- 1/3 of his accrued pensions for the widow if she remains unmarried and of good character.